Saturday 22 April 2017

World Population (Sunday 23,April,2017)

 " When the family is small, whatever little they have they are able to share. There is peace."
- Philip Njuguna, pastor, Nairobi, Kenya 

Current World Population (Sunday 23,April,2017)

World Population by Religion

According to a recent study (based on the 2010 world population of 6.9 billion) by The Pew Forum, there are:

  1.  2,173,180,000 Christians (31% of world population), of which 50% are Catholic, 37% Protestant, 12% Orthodox, and 1% other.
  2. 1,598,510,000 Muslims (23%), of which 87-90% are Sunnis, 10-13% Shia.
  3. 1,126,500,000 No Religion affiliation (16%): atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion. One-in-five people (20%) in the United States are religiously unaffiliated.
  4. 1,033,080,000 Hindus (15%), the overwhelming majority (94%) of which live in India.
  5.  487,540,000 Buddhists (7%), of which half live in China.
  6.  405,120,000 Folk Religionists (6%): faiths that are closely associated with a particular group of people, ethnicity or tribe.
  7. 58,110,000 Other Religions (1%): Baha’i faith, Taoism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Tenrikyo, Wicca, Zoroastrianism and many others.
  8. 13,850,000 Jews (0.2%), four-fifths of which live in two countries: United States (41%) and Israel (41%).


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